Friday, April 22, 2011


Howdy, and Happy Friday. We've got a weekend full of soccer games and Easter celebrations. My kids asked me if the Easter Bunny was going to come to our house, and I pulled the "Oh, um, I'm not sure, but I'm super busy washing dishes right now" parenting technique. We've never celebrated Easter that way before, and it's too hard for me to pretend that a giant bunny hops over and brings gifts. Plus, that's not really what I want the focus to be. But if I tell them there isn't an Easter bunny, then what do I say about Santa and the Tooth Fairy and Leprechauns? Would the gig be up?

Anyway, on to less conflicting matters. How great are these paper puppets by Ferzechan?

They are $10 each and would make an excellent little puppet troupe.

Comments for the giveaway are now closed! I loved reading what you guys listen to on the road. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner, that lucky duck...

1 comment:

Anna Louise said...

Love those-- I want one!

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